Školené práce (Celkový počet: 9) |
02.09.2024 |
Lucia Keszeghova Mgr. |
Associated production of the top-quark pair and Z boson in proton-proton collisions at the ATLAS experiment |
13.05.2022 |
Dominik Babál Mgr. |
The associated production of top-quar pair and Z boson in proton-proton collisions at the ATLAS experiment |
17.06.2019 |
Matej Melo Mgr |
Charge asymmetry in top-quark pair productiuon at 13 TeVin proton-proton cvollisipons with the ATLAS experimenzt |
17.06.2019 |
Michal Dubovský Mgr |
Study of associated production of the top-quark and Z boson |
02.05.2019 |
Tomáš Dado Mgr |
Direct measurement of the top-quark decay width with the ATLAS dtector |
02.05.2019 |
Tomáš Dado Mgr |
Direct measurement of the top-quark decay width with the ATLAS dtector |
30.10.2007 |
Peter Bednář Mgr. |
Determination of top quark charge in CDF experiment |
08.11.2004 |
Ivan Fedorko RNDr. |
Meranie σ(pp)xBF(W->eν) v experimente CDF a jednofotoelektrónová metóda analýzy svetelných signálov |
06.06.2003 |
Martin Čiljak RNDr. |
Štúdium možností určenia náboja top kvarku na detektore ATLAS |